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Metro: Not Subject to Area Open Meetings Laws
dcogcadmin | September 4, 2009
Kytja Weir reports in the Examiner that the Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority Board of Directors held a private conference call to discuss the agency’s lack of communication. As Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press executive director Lucy Dalglish points out, under Maryland or Virginia open meetings laws, the call would likely have been required to be public. But none of the local jurisdictions’ open meetings laws apply to Metro. The story includes a brief summary of the open meetings laws of Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia.
Kytja Weir reports in the Examiner that the Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority Board of Directors held a private conference call to discuss the agency’s lack of communication. As Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press executive director Lucy Dalglish points out, under Maryland or Virginia open meetings laws, the call would likely have been required to be public. But none of the local jurisdictions’ open meetings laws apply to Metro. The story includes a brief summary of the open meetings laws of Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia.