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D.C. Open Government Coalition Hosts Virtual Program on Public Access to Police Videos

Fritz Mulhauser | September 23, 2020 | Last modified: October 7, 2020

UPDATE: Video of the program is now available here.

With images of excessive police force, including fatal shootings, reverberating across the country, the D.C. Open Government Coalition is hosting an online program Tuesday, Sept. 29, 12 -1:30, on public access to the video from cameras most patrol officers wear today, including in D.C.

Our panel will include:  

  • Charles Allen, Ward 6 D.C. Councilmember and Chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, author of the recent expansion of video access;
  • Niquelle Allen, Director of the D.C. Office of Open Government;
  • Douglass Sloan, First Vice President of the NAACP Washington Branch;
  • Mitch Ryals, “Loose Lips” columnist for the Washington City Paper; and
  • Jeffrey Roberts, head of the Freedom of Information Coalition in Colorado where the legislature recently broadened access to police information.

Police accountability is high on the agendas of cities and states everywhere. Body-worn camera (BWC) video is a flashpoint as communities demand more, and sooner, while police unions push for restrictions.

In the District, emergency legislation in July required quick release of BWC videos in the most serious situations, but the scheme is under court challenge by the police union while redactions and their cost and delay are obstacles to public FOIA requests in most other cases.

The Council is holding hearings on permanent police legislation, including video access, this fall and further proposals are expected from a Police Reform Commission that will be studying policing into the new year.  

Join us for exploration of who should get access to police video and when.  Attendance at this virtual program is open to the public, using the Zoom link below. Questions can be addressed to 

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