Blog Posts
Texas tackles access to private e-mail
dcogcadmin | May 3, 2013
A Texas appellate court will decide whether a county commissioner's emails discussing government business on his private account should be released to the public. The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press filed a brief April 30 supporting the lower court's position that messages concerning government business are public, no matter where they originate. The D.C. Open Government Coalition asserted the same position in a 2012 lawsuit against the Council of the District of Columbia and reached an agreement that such messages are public.
A Texas appellate court will decide whether a county commissioner's emails discussing government business on his private account should be released to the public. The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press filed a brief April 30 supporting the lower court's position that messages concerning government business are public, no matter where they originate. The D.C. Open Government Coalition asserted the same position in a 2012 lawsuit against the Council of the District of Columbia and reached an agreement that such messages are public.