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$800k Transferred to Public Works for Overtime Overruns

dcogcadmin | January 27, 2010

Prior to the release of an audit reporting occurrences of fraud and lack of oversight of the District’s Department of Public Works overtime pay system, the Department requested authority to shift $800,000 to cover unbudgeted overtime expenses.  The D.C. Council approved the reprogramming request, part of $3.2 million that was shifted within the agency to cover shortfalls.  Examiner

Prior to the release of an audit reporting occurrences of fraud and lack of oversight of the District’s Department of Public Works overtime pay system, the Department requested authority to shift $800,000 to cover unbudgeted overtime expenses.  The D.C. Council approved the reprogramming request, part of $3.2 million that was shifted within the agency to cover shortfalls.  Examiner